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Join us for a life-changing mission in West Africa! We promise you will never be the same. There are opportunities for

ACFI Guest House, Monrovia

Inside the Guest House

Sis Oretha in her kitchen--she's a great cook!

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Guidelines for Short Term Individuals/Groups Visiting

African Christians Fellowship International


Fulfilling the Great Commission given by Jesus involves all of the followers of Jesus.  There are many ways to be useful in accomplishing this task which include: those who pray specifically, those who give finances and resources, those who move to another culture as missionaries for a long term and also those who go as short-term workers to observe and participate with another culture for a short term.  During this time, short-termers can observe, learn, and possibly contribute to the activities that are happening at that time.  One of the main benefits of short term visits is to give opportunity for the visitor to see what God is doing in cultures that are different than their own.  The friendship and love shown by visitors can be a powerful blessing to the host culture if there is a spirit of humility and servanthood offered from the heart.  It requires genuine humility to be part of a culture different than your own and to lay aside judgments and comparisons.  We are most effective when we are learners in displaying the love of God, thereby making it easy for those from the host culture to see Christ is us even though we are obviously part of a different culture.  It is important to consider beforehand the reason for which you feel God wants you to make this trip. 




206 Mercy Drive

Lancaster, SC 29720

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